Ideas are just the beginning

Transforming ideas into market ready apps with speedy and strategic MVP development


Find out how we blend cutting-edge no-code tools with an unparalleled experience to transform your ideas into feature-rich, market-ready apps, quickly and cost-effectively.

Requirements gathering

Listen & take note

Tell us about your plan to take over the world. How you got to where you are now. Why you want to build what you want to build. Then we’ll start asking you questions, lots of questions. Some people call this requirements gathering.

mvp app development
mvp app development

UI & UX design

Design & plan

We map the core processes, structure the initial data schema, and design wireframes and prototypes of the user interface across different screens. This is your UI and UX, its a picture of what your idea will look like.

App development

Build your idea

This is where the magic starts to happen. We start building your app. We work in weekly sprints and keep you up to date on progress with screen recordings, and we run any change requests by you. During development, if we overun on the agreed requirements, its at no extra cost to you, that’s on us. This happens sometimes but only so you get the best results!

mvp app development
launch mvp app

Launch time

Release to market

Alright, so your app’s out there – but we’re not kicking back just yet! We’re all ears, listening to what users have to say. Love it? Great. Issues? Even better. That’s the gold we’re after. We take that feedback, tweak things here and there, and make your app even shinier. It’s a cycle – launch, listen, tweak, repeat. With Nexa Point, your app’s always in ‘level up’ mode. We’re here to roll with the punches and make sure your app’s always a hit.

Focus on scale and growth, not manual processes.

Get in contact and we can schedule a free discovery session.